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  1. Create a blog post entitled "Day 1: My relationship with poetry." Free-write on your thoughts and feelings about poetry. Love it? Hate it? Why? Have you ever written poetry? Which poems or poets do you know or remember reading? Publish your post and post the link to our class wiki.

  2. Share what you wrote with the person sitting next to you. Make a list of the poems and poets you both know on a Google doc.
  3. Within your table group, combine your two docs into one.

  4. Select one person to share your table group's doc with Miss Upah, who will compile all the docs into one.

  5. Think/Pair/Share: Do you notice any patterns or repetitions on the class doc? Are some poems/poets more popular than others? Why is this?

  6. Google one of the poets or poems on the class list that you have never heard of.

  7. Tweet your favorite line from the poet or poem you discovered today (cite the line # and author) using our class hashtag: #missupoetry

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