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Week 1:
  • Day 1: Teachers will need to prepare and independently initiate a conversation with their students about global collaboration, explaining what it is and how it will be used in this particular unit. Teachers will lead their classes in preparing a Zoom recording of their class to share with the other classroom. Students each take turns sharing a fact about their class, school, town, state or country on the recording. The teacher will then play the recording of the other class for students to watch.

  • Day 2: Teachers will introduce The Catcher in the Rye to their classes independently. Teachers will explain the six different discussion roles students will rotate through in this experience and assign students to their small groups. Teachers need to decide how students will rotate through the various discussion roles and assign students to these roles for each of the 4 discussions (students will not be able to complete all 6 roles since there are only 4 discussion circles). Students will begin reading the first section of The Catcher in the Rye. Students will need to Tweet at least one quote from the text, question they have about the text, or connection they have to the text for each of the discussion circles using the hastag: #IASGcatcher. Students should use Blogger to create a blog post entitled "Discussion Circle 1" for their assigned role and have this completed before class tomorrow as well as their Tweet.

  • Day 3: Students will participate in Discussion Circle 1 via Zoom. Within their small group, students will watch the recorded video of the three students in their small group discussing the text with their discussion roles in which they explain their interpretation of the text and ask five questions for the students to answer in return. Students will then prepare a response to send to their peers in which they discuss the text with their discussion roles to explain their interpretation of the text, answer the five questions that their peers posed, and develop five new questions for the students to answer in their next response. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 4: Students will read the second portion of The Catcher in the Rye and create a blog post entitled "Discussion Circle 2" for their assigned role. Students will need to Tweet at least one quote from the text, question they have about the text, or connection they have to the text using the hashtag: #IASGcatcher. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 5: Students will participate in Discussion Circle 2 via Zoom. Within their small group, students will watch the recorded video of the three students in their small group discussing the text with their discussion roles in which they explain their interpretation of the text and ask five questions for the students to answer in return. Students will then prepare a response to send to their peers in which they discuss the text with their discussion roles to explain their interpretation of the text, answer the five questions that their peers posed, and develop five new questions for the students to answer in their next response. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

week 1

Week 2:
  • Day 1: Students will read the third portion of The Catcher in the Rye and create a blog post entitled "Discussion Circle 3" for their assigned role. Students will need to Tweet at least one quote from the text, question they have about the text, or connection they have to the text using the hashtag: #IASGcatcher. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 2: Students will participate in Discussion Circle 3 via Zoom. Within their small group, students will watch the recorded video of the three students in their small group discussing the text with their discussion roles in which they explain their interpretation of the text and ask five questions for the students to answer in return. Students will then prepare a response to send to their peers in which they discuss the text with their discussion roles to explain their interpretation of the text, answer the five questions that their peers posed, and develop five new questions for the students to answer in their next response. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 3: Students will read the fourth (and final) portion of The Catcher in the Rye and create a blog post entitled "Discussion Circle 4" for their assigned role. Students will need to Tweet at least one quote from the text, question they have about the text, or connection they have to the text using the hashtag: #IASGcatcher. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 4: Students will participate in Discussion Circle 4 via Zoom. Within their small group, students will watch the recorded video of the three students in their small group discussing the text with their discussion roles in which they explain their interpretation of the text and ask five questions for the students to answer in return. Students will then prepare a response to send to their peers in which they discuss the text with their discussion roles to explain their interpretation of the text, answer the five questions that their peers posed, and develop five new questions for the students to answer in their next response. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 5: Within small groups, students will watch their peers' Zoom video and record their own Zoom video to discuss ideas on themes in the text. Which theme interests their small group the most? Students will begin brainstorming ideas for visuals and quotes that support their theme. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

Week 3:
  • Day 1: Students familiarize themselves with Buncee. Students use Zoom videos to communicate and determine which theme they are selecting for their final presentation. Students will decide how they are going to divide the work of finding quotes and visuals and assembling the presentation among themselves. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 2: Students will work within their small group to develop their Buncee presentation. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 3: Students will finalize their group's Buncee presentation. Teachers will monitor student groups to ensure that students are participating and staying on task.

  • Day 4: Teachers and students will watch Buncee presentations as a whole class.

  • Day 5: Teachers and students will finish watching Buncee presentations. Students will post their final reflection over this unit to their blogs, responding to the prompts: What did you like about working with students on the other side of the world? What was something you found challenging or surprising? How has working with another class influenced your ideas of The Catcher in the Rye?

week 2

week 3

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